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Feature requests

230 results found

  1. ManicTime Version 2023.1.1.0 should start

    When I try to start the program, it should not give me this error.

    System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types.
    Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'. The system cannot find the file specified.
    Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'. The system cannot find the file specified. (LoaderExceptions: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'. The system cannot find the file specified.
    File name: 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'; System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'. The system cannot find the…

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  2. Adding a "tentative" attribute to tags that are entered in advance

    It would be nice to be able to use ManicTime to plan my day as well. As it is now, I use a separate tool for planning what I'm going to do, and then transfer over all the tasks into ManicTime to track them. You can currently add tags for future work, but these estimates may end up being incorrect. And when you go back to manic time, there is no way to tell which tags you entered after working on them and which tags were entered before starting them. Allowing users to enter tags for future work, and not…

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  3. Ask for a label when I start a program

    Ask for a label when I start a program

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  4. Allow browsing screenshots while in "Add tag" dialog

    I add notes to tags based on screenshots. As is, when the add tag dialog is open, I can't browse screenshots by hovering. I currently have to put my notes into an editor first, and then copy them into the tag. It would be really nice if the hover-to-show-screenshot feature stayed active while the add tag dialog was open.

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  5. autotag abilty to remove screenshots for sensitive classifications

    if the use of a banking web site is detected it could be a finance person access a company business account or a staff member accessing their personal bank account at lunch time. there are privacy protection issues and cyber security risks if the screen shots show bank account details.
    the idea is that there is an option on the autotag that automatically deletes the screen shot but the url is kept.
    similarly, a person that does the payroll may need screenshots deleted that relate to staff pay or personal bank account details.
    it would be best if the set…

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  6. 3 votes

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  7. Request for ManicTime Mac Deployment on Vercel

    Can the Mac version of ManicTime be deployed on Vercel? Currently, deployment is through Docker, which significantly uses resources. Vercel seems more efficient. Are there any plans to support this?

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  8. make usage details more powerful - add filter, sort by A then B

    Usage details could be so much more powerful if you could filter it in the same way as the timeline. The results of that filter could be turned into a report - without the need to tag.

    For example, I tag all my email usage. But there is nowhere to output a spreadsheet grouped by title. Having totals for each group on that table would also be amazing - so you could see instantly that you'd spent 30 mins on one email thread, and 15 minutes on another.

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  9. integrate with gpt-4o

    I've just tested a CSV export of part of my day in chat gpt and it correctly identified which parts of my day were productive, what software I used and the total time I spent in work. I then asked it to include relevant support tasks, like explorer operations, and it did that too. I found this far quicker than assigning tags or autotags.

    I'm not sure what an integration would look like, but a dump to clipboard of csv data of the current day might be a start. The possibilities are amazing, especially if you throw screenshots into the…

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  10. Custom title: Easier creation / sharing and application to past data (of limited range, e.g. past 7 days)

    It would be great if the CustomTitle.txt feature would get a community source so that not every user has to re-invent the wheel and has to write a regex for every application.
    Similar to the plugin management, a searchable online repository that can be used to add lines to CustomTitle.txt would be great, with an online suggestion feature to add new entries.
    Please also keep the plaintext file and openness of this feature even with this addition.

    Similarly, it would be great to apply new CustomTitle.txt document/application regex rules to the recorded data of the past 7 days.

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  11. blur people faces in screenshots, so that the actual faces are never recorded

    would be possible to automatically blur people faces in screenshots, so that the actual faces are never recorded?
    Otherwise this happens during calls.

    OR block recording when the webcam is acrivated in a call.

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  12. Extend/Shrink start/end of a selected tag using keyboard shortcut

    Extend/Shring start/end of a selected tag using keyboard shortcuts.
    When selecting a tag on timeline, If I need to extend/shrink its start/end to a specific point in time, the normal way to do this is to mouse drag the start/end edge to the desired point on the timeline.

    It would be more easier and efficient if there exist the following keyboard shortcuts:
    - keyboard shortcut to move (extend/shrink) the selected tag's start edge to the current mouse's position on the timeline and another one for the end edge.
    - keyboard shortcut to extend the selected tag's start edge to the…

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  13. Auto Dark Mode

    Follow the system's light/dark mode to switch between light and dark modes automatically.

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  14. A plugin to show ARC browser urls!

    I've been using ManicTime for many years; it's a great software. Recently, I switched my browser to Arc and noticed that ManicTime doesn't show the URLs I visit in Arc. A plugin or a native feature for that would be amazing.

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  15. ability to fill previous document timeline after loading new tracker plugin (by clicking a button or something like that)

    for example, i wrote a plugin for Autodesk Motionbuilder, the ProcessName is 'motionbuilder', and the Application Name showed in ManicTime is 'Autodesk Motionbuilder'.
    when i click a button, manictime let me select a tracker plugin and an Application. then search the recorded Application infos, apply the string split rules to and get Document info. finally fill them into previous Document timeline

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  16. let user combine or merge the document in Document Timeline

    when file name is changed manictime tracker would treat them as different docs, which is not tracking friendly in some situation (when i still want to treat them as one file). so it would be better if we can combine or merge document maunually, by right click or something like that

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  17. create folder automatically in document timeline (when the DocumentType is set to Task or something like that in tracker plugin)

    i create a tracker plugin and i set the DocumentType to Task.
    but ManicTime would not create a Task folder, or put the file into a custom-created Task folder, it just put the file outside any folder.

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  18. Linux Client Wayland Support / Jetbrains plugin support

    I recently upgraded to Fedora 40 which has completely removed X11 support. I can't stand the GNOME desktop so I choose to use KDE Plasma. As stated in the Linux client, due to Wayland security enhancements it's not possible to read the windows which is required for Manictime tracking.

    The primary tools that I need to track are Jetbrains products (PHPStorm, PyCharm, CLion, IntelliJ, etc.). I know there is a Manictime plugin for Jetbrains products, but it too doesn't seem to work on Wayland.

    It would be nice if the Jetbrains plugin could communicate with the Linux Manictime client for…

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  19. Windows binary for arm64 architecture

    With those fancy new Snapdragon X laptops having great battery time and great performance, it would be nice to be able to run Manic Time natively on arm64, so without x86 emulation.

    Since ManicTime Desktop already supports Apple chips, it's worth a try to "just change" the build target on Windows to arm64 and see.

    Looks like both .Net Framework and .Net support targeting arm64.

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  20. Make timesheet entries with zero hours faded so that entries with hours stand out more

    Recent UI changes have made it hard to distinguish between zero hour and non-zero hour timesheet entries. The zero hour entries used to be a lot more faded and easier to parse when glancing at the timesheet.

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