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Feature requests

259 results found

  1. Google Maps Location History or KML Import

    KML with specified location data is generated via a standard URL. This url downloads the past 24 hours by default but can be fed additional info to get more

    More info:

    I could see it importing directly but even if there was just a way to import a KML that would probably be helpful.

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  2. Automatic clean after a planned backup

    It would be nice if the screens before a certain timestamp are automatically deleted after a planned backup.

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  3. Updated the French language of Manictime

    I come to you to know how to update the French language up to date
    I have the fr.txt file but I don't know which new sentences need to be updated?
    If you can send me the new file to translate I do you with pleasure
    Have a nice day
    Kind regards

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  4. Anyone interested in a FF extension that prepends the current container to the window title?

    I've created a quick and dirty FF extension that will essentially do the above. I use ManicTime + Multi-Account Containers + Simple Tab Groups -- and that's been pretty good to keep a sprawling bunch of tabs in check, and has worked fairly well with ManicTime to autotag. However, I was really wanting to be able to autotag based on the current tab's container rather than just the group I was currently in.

    For instance: have one tab group that represents an MSP I contract to with multiple tabs for their different clients open in that group in their own…

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  5. Track "(Not Responding)"

    Identify "(Not Responding)" text appended to window label when a given program freezes/hangs.

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  6. Monitoring of applications running in the background (applications of our choice)

    I am listening to music on Spotify but something else is open on my window screen.

    Therefore, the application cannot detect the Spotify application running in the background.

    Since we cannot monitor all background applications, in fact, if we select certain programs in the settings section and then say watch even if these programs run in the background, we can watch the applications we want running in the background.

    I am waiting for your comments in this way.

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  7. Enable/disable off the record via CLI

    Add an option to the new command line interface (mtc) to enable and disable off the record, for automation. Something like

    mtc.exe offtherecord on
    mtc.exe offtherecord off

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  8. Option for Day Timeline to flow vertically

    The program I use to enter my time uses a top down 9 - 5 display that I cant change, hopefully this is something that can be done on this side :)

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    1 comment  ·  ManicTime Desktop  ·  Admin →
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  9. Edit locations from mobile app on desktop client and/or server website. View locations on map.

    I would like to edit locations from he mobile app within the desktop app and also view the locations I visited on a map. In general: It would be nice to manage the locations on my desktop or within server website as I can do it in the mobile app. Very useful to check where I was and how long.

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  10. Phonelink

    Add a.plugin for Microsoft Phonelink to capture phone calls

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    0 comments  ·  ManicTime Server  ·  Admin →
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  11. Sync Autotag rules via Server/Global and Assignable Autotag Rules

    Autotag rules should be syncable via Server.
    Server Admin should be able to enforce "global" autotag rules for all Users or assign different autotag rulesets them to specific users on top of their own autotag rules.

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    0 comments  ·  ManicTime Server  ·  Admin →
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  12. Allow regex to match on more than just first line in title

    Sometimes, the key information that might be useful to extract via a regex is in the description rather than in the title.

    Sometimes, the key information that might be useful to extract via a regex is in the description rather than in the title.

    For example in the built-in Computer usage timeline, one can access via Regex whether the computer was active or away this is available via the builtin {{title}} tag.

    However that exact same information is generally available via the {{group}} tag.

    If one uses say the multi-desktop feature of windows
    To for example segment ones work…

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  13. v2024.3.0.2 Issue with Simplified Chinese font rendering

    In version 2024.3.0.2, there is an issue with the Simplified Chinese font rendering, as it seems to be using Japanese glyphs.

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  14. disable or reposition tooltips

    When mousing through a list, tooltips showing URLs and tags appear below the pointer and overlay information that I need to see. I have my screenshots docked in the lower right panel. There are instructions online that refer to a "toggle Tooltip Option" that doesn't exist (on my system) in the Settings>General tab. Could it please be added or brought back?

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Ability to Zoom Out GUI in ManicTime


    I’d like to request a feature for ManicTime that would allow users to zoom out or scale down the graphical user interface (GUI). Currently, the buttons (e.g., "Accept" and "Decline") and other elements appear very large on my screen, making it difficult to navigate and visualize everything properly within the windows.

    A zoom-out or scaling option would greatly improve usability for those of us experiencing this issue, especially on high-DPI displays or when using certain resolutions.

    Thank you for considering this feature! It would make a big difference in accessibility and user experience.

    Best regards

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  18. Timesheet Basic Advanced UI

    I often toggle the filters on and off change the group by.
    Having these on different tabs makes this task lots of extra clicks.

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  19. GotoConnect (Jive) Timeline / Plugin

    GotoConnect (Jive) is a cloud PBX system. It would be great to see which contact/phone number was connected to. Similar to what the old Skype connector did.

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