Shortcut for assigning last chosen tag
I often repeatedly tag the same project for separate working times on the same day. (In review of past working week.) it would be great to have a shortcut to tag the selected time using the last chosen tag. This is similar to MS Office using F4 to repeat last formatting.

Dan Allen commented
This was implemented! Thank you
JBert commented
Workaround 1: in the Day view timeline you can select an existing tag, press Ctrl+C to copy it, then press Ctrl+V to tag the currently selected time with those exact same Tag and Notes.
Workaround 2: when you select time, the little "amount of time" box which appears when you release the mouse has a big white-on-blue arrow. Clicking the arrow will open a menu with the most recently used tags at the top, which you can then pick with a single click without having to open the "Add tag" window, saving some clicks / key presses.
Anthony Hassard commented
Would love to see a shortcut that tags the selected block of time with the last tag used, i.e. the tag that's at the top of the "add tag" list.
I often go through my timeline to find the spots throughout the day where I was working on a particular project, and I tag each of these blocks of time as I go through. Instead of having to open the "add tag" window every time (press Ctrl+T, then click on the tag at the top of the list to copy it and the notes over to the left, then press Ctrl+Enter to select it and close the window) it would be great to simply press a keyboard shortcut, like we can do with tag shortcuts. In this case, though, I can't use a tag shortcut because there's just too many possible tags/note combinations that I might want to use over the span of a week or two.
Another way to think of this request: it's a tag shortcut, but the actual tag and note aren't static -- they are always based on the last tag and note you assigned to a block of time. Every time I assign a different tag/note to a block, this "dynamic" tag shortcut changes to reflect this new tag and note combination.