Add (back) "Last Used" Date/Time to Recent Tags/Notes Lists
In previous versions, I seem to remember in at least one, if not all, of the various tag dialogs and menus showing recent tags (e.g., "What will you work on", "Add tag", "Welcome back! Would you like to tag your away time?", etc.), it would show when we last used each listed tag combination or note (if cursor in the Notes input box). Could you add that back?
(I find it particularly useful for notes because I can't always tell, with my cursor in the Notes input, which notes were previously used with the selected tag combination, and which are just "recently used" but with a different tag combination. Last used can also be useful for the tag combinations, too).

J commented
Yes, it also used to show the last used time.
There is an option under Settings, Display whether to add notes to recent tags or not.
You mean that it also showed last used time in Recent tags drop down list?