Colour code URLs that differ by port with different colours.
When viewing my document timeline I see all the same colour for various client work, this is because it all occurs on the localhost domain (but each client has a different port) so it would be great if urls that differed by port could also differ by colour.

Daniel commented
There is a deeper problem than just colour-coding here. From what I can see (new user of ManicTime here), the "Web Sites" report will see http://localhost, http://localhost:8000, and http://localhost:8888 as the same website. Very often they'll be different sites.
The necessary data *is* captured (the "details" of the websites report shows the full URLs, with port and path), but - regardless of what port the site is on - they are grouped under a name of "localhost"
If the system added any port numbers it saw after the hostname, and had a little bit of baked in logic to know that http://hostname:80/ is the same as https://hostname/ then everything would be fine and dandy :) (ditto to https and 443 of course)