Divide time that is tagged with multiple tags
Imagine today I worked 14 hours on something that benefits client A and client B. I tagged this time with both tags, "Client A" and "Client B".
Currently ManicTime's timesheet tells me I have worked 28 hours today, which is oviously not true.
I would like to show the time as 7 hours for tag "Client A" and 7 hours for tag "Client B".

André commented
What is the point of having multiple tags for one time period if the time is not split among the tags?
I have read every single release note until now, hoping for this feature but now I see it has been marked as declined. :( My license has expired in the meantime but I would happily buy it a second time just to upgrade to a version that has this.
Please reconsider.
It would just be a simple option when creating the reports. (You could even change the behavior completely because I don't think there is a use case for the current behavior.)
I think this can be better solved with tags, something like
"Client A & Client B" -
optroot commented
You can do this now as of v3.0 with the 'append' rule.