Include tag timeline to overtime/worktime statistic or give the administrator the premission to change user status timeline.
Sometimes people work outside the office for half day and their overtime statistic is wrong.
Somehow the overtime statistic should also look at the tags timeline and the user status timeline to show worktime/overtime.
Or the Administrator should get the premission to change the user status timeline.

I believe this was fixed in the latest release, so overtime report will now only count sum of tags, not difference between first and last occurrence.
Jens commented
Hi, will the comment from August 16, 2016 5:36 PM get any option to be implemented?
for us this is really useful and now we always need to generate a time sheet report instead of using the dashboards.
Thanks in advance! -
Anonymous commented
The new feature was really needed thanks for implementing it!
One drawback is the work time reports, those aren't yet accurate since 'start' and 'end' time difference is calculated instead of actual tagged time. For example 'lunch' will be untagged time but cannot be counted in the work time reports. More extreme example: Our standby engineer wakes up at 4am for an alert works & tags 30 minutes. He then works from 9.30am untill 6pm at the office with 30 minutes lunch break. The work time reports will report from 4am until 6pm instead of reporting 8h30m as 'worked' time. Is there an option to change this setting or implement this as a feature addition? -
VisCircle commented
The new feature is great! Thank you for implementation!
VisCircle commented
thank you for quick response
It should be done next week.
VisCircle commented
When we can expect the next version? It is not included in the version from 30.03.2016 is it?
This one is already done and will be in the next version.
VisCircle commented
Are we the only ones who have this problem? Or is there a way to do that we don't know?