MySQL as a database backend
I would find it very helpful if manic time supported MySQL as a database backend.
In the environment I work in all of our backend systems already use MySQL and it would be much more convenient if Manic Time did too so that we could easily query data across our databases.

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Austin Patchen commented
3rd the MySQL Support. I know you guys are Windows Based and usually, Windows Devs tend to go with the MSSQL, but MySQL is used quite heavily in the online world.
I too am a Windows guy, but for database, Microsoft is just too expensive of a path for SMBs.
Our entire database with over 1100 tables from quite a few integrated apps is all MySQL
Just to be clear, we already support PostgreSQL and for smaller teams SQLite. So the server can currently work completely on Linux.
Michael Kargl commented
Seconded, with MySQL support, or any other non-microsoft database, you could store your data on a linux machine and, with .NET Core, even run the server without having to setup a full fledged enterprise grade windows server :)