Auto-tag based on other tags
For example I google ManicTime and click on the ManicTime website. I can tag the latter activity based on its URL, but how do I tag the former as "ManicTime, ~googling"? Sometime the keyword does not go into the title, so I can't use it to autotag. Both the document and application timelines are the same, so I can't use append tag. The absorb tag just has the same color of the activities in between in the timeline, not a tag that I actually want.
This is also useful when you want an autotag to be prioritized, that is no other autotag shows up when it appears. Yes the "first applied autotag" option does this, but it affects on the whole system, hence is not really flexible in some cases.

I don't quite understand the solution. Absorb was added just for this use case, but what you could do instead is make a normal autotag for google, with query part as part of autotag.
Select document timeline, in filter below type:
then click down arrow on the right of filter text box, Add to autotag and for title type:
{{1}}, googling
Then you will get autotags like manictime, googling....