Ability to reorder saved Timesheet reports
My list of Timesheets (in the "Load" drop-down) is getting long and I wish there were a way to manage them better. Ideally, It'd be great if there were grouping options, but at the least, I'd like to be able to change the order of them in the list. Right now it seems that it just orders them by "create date" - with the newest ones at the bottom of the list.
I wondered if perhaps they were stored in a config text file and would be easy to reorder, but I didn't find any, so I guess they are in the database.
If there was a way to manage the Timesheets that would be great.
Possibilities for management:
Setting an order
Possibly grouping into categories
An "archived" checkbox - and an option to show or hide archived Timesheets (for ones which I'm not using now, but don't want to delete since I might need them later, or want to use them as the basis for a new Timesheet query.
Perhaps the simplest change would be to have the drop-down list be alphabetized by name - then I could control the order by adding prefixes and symbols tot he beginning of Timesheet names.

not enough votes
Heather Floyd commented
I am still pining for this...
Heather Floyd commented
I find it hard to believe that I am the only person using ManicTime which doesn't wish for this...
Heather Floyd commented
Every week I wish there were a better solution for this... <sigh>