Setting for tabgs to be billabel by default
I add new tags frequently, but often forget to mark them as billable, which for me is more common (and hopefully for most of us). It would be great if there was a setting to make them billable by default, then I'd just have to remember to mark the ones that aren't.
Added in v5.0
Ryan Anderson commented
I agree that this feature is needed.
As a workaround, I found a quick way to set a Tag and all of its combinations as Billable, but you need to repeat this just before running any reports to catch any new tags combinations.
My first tag in any Tag combination is always a Project Name (billable) or Personal (non-billable), so this makes it easy to mark every tag combination that is under a Project as "billable"
1. Go to Tag Editor -> Tags (not Tag Combinations) and select one of your tags that you typically use as a first level tags. In this example I selected "MNTX" as that is one of my "billable" projects.
2. "Double Click" it or select "Show Usage".
3. Now "Select All" from the results (Ctrl+A)
4. Right click any item to choose "set billable"This will set all tag combinations that have that Tag as "Billable"
If "Set Billable" is not an option and only "Clear Billable" appears, then all tag combinations that include this tag are already set to "billable"
Kamil commented
This is very good idea. Even better if we could set default billable/non billable for each tag combinations in tag editor.
Dieter commented
Dear MT
This seems like a really good option to implement as work for clients is more often than not, billable.
It would be handy to have this option so we can default to billable. -
Wouter commented
Hi Support
We want to use the same feature for tagging.
If the default is 'non-billable', people sometimes will forget to change the tag to billable.
This seems to be easy for implementation, just a radiobutton / checkbox in the settingspane.
Can you look into this?