Easier custom statistics: documents by wildcards
I'm using the free version of MT on Windows for self-tracking for over 3 years.
Recently I wanted to see total time working on particular drawing, and I was able to do it like this:
Statistics - Custom - Add - Timeline: Documents (at top) - Files (at left).
Now at right there is a huge list of filenames gathered in these years, some with paths, some not, even some with quirky path formats like "(D:) drivename / path / deeperpath / file_name.ext" (with parentheses, slashes and spaces exactly like that).
The filelist takes around 10 seconds each time to generate or sort.
At first, every file was checked. I selected all with Ctrl+A (works instantly), clicked one of the checkboxes (MT client UI went unresponsive for several minutes, maybe over 10 min), then everything became unchecked.
I found some files I wanted to sum and checked them back (one by one it works instantly too).
Finally, refreshing all statistics takes around 5 seconds, less than generating the list of files in UI.
It would be a lot easier to enter some pre-known filename wildcards, than digging in the filelist. Simplest I can think of - one pattern per line in a text area, that could be shown instead of checklist by an option. For example, using radio-buttons at bottom of "Edit Statistics" dialog:
- checklist any
- checklist all (only show/enable for the Tags timeline?)
- wildcard any
- wildcard all.
F D commented
After a couple of years and a change from Win7 to Win10:
Now it takes my MT client several minutes just to open the file list first, with everything unchecked.
I'd suggest making wildcard masks to be the default choice, if it's ever implemented.
I'd also suggest to change filelists to cut off at some quickly viewable count (e.g. 100), showing only the top documents / sites / etc by the current column sort criteria, and add a button at the bottom to "show the rest of 1 000 000 items" if the user wants to wait forever with a frozen MT client.
F D commented
> At first, every file was checked.
On second thought, they probably weren't.
I may have clicked one of checkboxes at the left panel of the add/edit dialog, so it was my bad.
Because some days ago I created another custom stat filter and nothing was selected at first.Anyway, this feature request still stands.