How color is chosen: sub-tag could mix a new colour with parent tag colour
To make it easier at a glance to see what you've been working on I would like sub-tag colours to relate to the parent tag. do do this I usually manually pick a colour in the same part of the spectrum as the parent tag, but I think it would work just as well to 50% 50% mix a new random colour with the parent colour.
This could be the method of generating the default colour when you 'skip' a parent tag colour, then you can over-ride it as per usual.
Perhaps the percentage should be 70-30 or something else, but just so it looks related to the parent but not identical.
Info Aakvatech commented
Given that I have already group of tags that I want to set standard color for, e.g. by type of activity, in Tag Editor, I would prefer to select those multiple tags and change color at a go.
Murray Roke commented
I'd like to see something in this area, perhaps bands aren't the right mechanism, I'd be pretty happy with the idea in one of my earlier comments... Have the option to use different shades of the parent tag so for example, all sub-tags of a particular tag are 'red-ish'
Geoffroy Ménard commented
It would be nice to be able to choose a new tag's color as we create it. Assign a random color but display it to the user and allow the user to change it.
Right now we have to create the tag, then go into the tag editor, find the new tag, edit it and pick the new color. -
S. Berentzen commented
An option to set the automatically generated colors in a certain range would be great. The user could define the maximum offset for Gamma, Saturation and Value range (individually) from a certain base color or a few different base colors. So you could choose to use only gamma variations with the same value, or value variations with the same gamma for instance for example (one sliders/spinners for each).
Also could Applications and documents, that have been placed in a certain folder, get a small color variation of the color of that folder? So if a folder has a certain blue color, the programs within that folder could have small variations in either gamma, saturation and or value + the maximum amount. This would cause a less broken up result. Now I have to set the color for each item in the folder manually.
Murray Roke commented
This may be crazy, but how bout a gradient for tag combinations?
Wilhelm Medetz commented
Same request from me - display tag combinations in the tag timeline with stacked colors. Currently it is only possible to assign one color for tag combinations. I would prefer to see tag combinations using stacked colors (similar to overlapping autotags). This would allow to visually 'see' assigned tag combinations.
Maybe the problem can be solved by leaving a thin white stripe between the stacked tag combinations.
Wilhelm Medetz commented
Instead of having to choose each color from the complete color range, have the possibility to defined labeled colors, that can be used in tags/autotags/folders.
Murray Roke commented
Ok How about this: on the 'how is color chosen' dialog, perhaps next to the sub-tag you have the option to use different shades of the parent tag, so all my client X tags are red-ish, and all my client Y tags are blue-ish. (I would like this as the default behaviour, which you can over-ride if you wish)
Murray Roke commented
alternatively set the default colour skipping behaviour (there's a couple of projects I'd like to use the first level tag, but most I want the second level tag)
Murray Roke commented
perhaps an optional separate timeline?
I don't think this one can be done.
In ManicTime you can have two tags, one on top of another, if you tag the same time twice. This would then look the same, if the two colors are shown horizontally. -
Murray Roke commented
* It should say "2 bands of colour (on two sub timelines)" for the example tag. (I guess 3 should work the same way :-)
Murray Roke commented
I think it would be great to be able to (optionally) show all tag colours at once.
eg, a slice tagged by Client1, #Client1-123
could show 3 bands of colour (or three sub timelines?)I just found the ability to skip the first tag when colouring, this is awesome! (but I have to go into every client and change that, which is what I do at the moment, but it would be nice to have a visual of the client as well as the issue number)