Merged Timelines View
It would be very helpful to be able have a merged timeline view with the Applications and Documents merged together. This would give you a much better view of where you spent your time.

JBert commented
The reason why I'd like something like this is to find all times I've opened `` (which I can do using the Documents timeline) while also having access to the window title, and if possible create an autotag from it.
At my workplace we open Github pull requests with the Jira ticket number in the title, and it's that ticket number that is important to be able to log in Tempo timesheets.
JBert commented
JRT commented
in the advance search I would like to be able to search all of the categories with one search. Search across all of the categories -- outtlook, documents, applications, tags, autotags, etc. This would speed the tagging. It would also be nice to be able to lumb entries together from the adverse search so that multiple small time captures can be tagged as one entry.
Jon Freed commented
Similar ideas:
"Search in multiple timeline at the same time"
"Merged Timelines View"
Jon Freed commented
Similar ideas:
"Search in multiple timeline at the same time"
"Combined View"
Jon Freed commented
Similar ideas:
"Merged Timelines View"
"Combined View"
Alessio commented
It wuold be helpfull extend the search (optionally ) to more than one timeline at the time. In this way the same 'term' will fire the related autotag independently from the timeline.
Mark Groover commented
I'd like to be able to combine Documents, Applications and Tags all into one single view where I can see them merged together to get better layered timeline of what I worked on during the day rather than having to look at each one separately.