Two-factor Authentication (2FA/MFA)
I understand how to blur screenshots, and filter programs/files from being tracked,etc BUT: I can't believe this hasn't been suggested. Since Manictime can collect sensitive data like location tracking through the Android app, and the ability to upload screenshots that could potentially show VERY sensitive data if not blurred/filtered (password managers, plaintext passwords in slack channels and email, banking details, etc, etc,etc), I'd feel a lot more secure if you had 2FA for the cloud app. Every other service does...
Please implement WebAuthn/Yubikey, OTP, and SMS for the luddites.
I'd be more inclined to leave my screenshots unblurred if I felt more confident in the cloud app security. It would be quite useful to refer to unblurred shots across multiple devices, but I wouldn't consider it at the moment.
2FA is now supported on the cloud