integrate with gpt-4o
I've just tested a CSV export of part of my day in chat gpt and it correctly identified which parts of my day were productive, what software I used and the total time I spent in work. I then asked it to include relevant support tasks, like explorer operations, and it did that too. I found this far quicker than assigning tags or autotags.
I'm not sure what an integration would look like, but a dump to clipboard of csv data of the current day might be a start. The possibilities are amazing, especially if you throw screenshots into the mix - down the track
We are looking into possibilities of creating an AI model or integrating an existing model.
Alex McHugh commented
Before adding AI integration into the product, please consider that this might be a show-stopper for many users who work in industries or companies that have restrictive approaches towards allowing work related information to be included or incorporated into training or refining AI models.
Especially since such training appears to be a one-way street for now (it appears to be impossible to request an opt-out once ones data has been incorporated into the pre-trained transformer).
Just need to consider the ruckus that Microsoft's "recall" feature has had to weather to understand how controversial this kind of feature can be for some businesses.
So, if such a feature is to be added, make it opt-in / optional.
Also suggest to look at Apple's approach to ensuring a privacy first AI implementation in their products.