Allow regex to match on more than just first line in title
Sometimes, the key information that might be useful to extract via a regex is in the description rather than in the title.
Sometimes, the key information that might be useful to extract via a regex is in the description rather than in the title.
For example in the built-in Computer usage timeline, one can access via Regex whether the computer was active or away this is available via the builtin {{title}} tag.
However that exact same information is generally available via the {{group}} tag.
If one uses say the multi-desktop feature of windows
To for example segment ones work from ones non-work activities, then a second line appears with the text Desktop: <name of desktop>
It this that name of desktop which is relevant to me in such a scenario.
There are plenty of other examples, for example the Outlook Calendar timeline - would be nice to only create an auto-tag for meetings where the organiser was not myself. That information is in the second line of the meeting info.
Also unsure if this info is part of the "title" or is more accurately a separate "description" field that we can't regex on.