Linux Client Wayland Support / Jetbrains plugin support
I recently upgraded to Fedora 40 which has completely removed X11 support. I can't stand the GNOME desktop so I choose to use KDE Plasma. As stated in the Linux client, due to Wayland security enhancements it's not possible to read the windows which is required for Manictime tracking.
The primary tools that I need to track are Jetbrains products (PHPStorm, PyCharm, CLion, IntelliJ, etc.). I know there is a Manictime plugin for Jetbrains products, but it too doesn't seem to work on Wayland.
It would be nice if the Jetbrains plugin could communicate with the Linux Manictime client for reporting on Wayland. I can live without full Wayland tracking as long as the Jetbrains plugin could report in Wayland.