Export timelines (Auto-Tags) to CSV / Excel
In addition to the existing export functions i'd like to export the auto-tag timeline to csv.
Another nice feature would be an export of all timelines summarized.

Autotag timeline can be exported from Advanced search from v4.2 on.
Wojciech commented
Is Autotag timeline export available from the CLI? I don't see it on the schema list.
Available schemas:
ManicTime/Documents -
optroot commented
Yes! Scheduled exporting of tags/auto-tags/usage etc to a CSV (just like you can do in the interface) would make life a lot easier. Can have other programs to generate invoices/summaries/statistics beyond the scope of manic time.
The functionality is already there in the 'backups' we just need to be able to backup as csv as well, where it just dumps - say - a weekly CSV for all tags, or similar.