Focus password window when launching from tray
I think it used to do this correctly, but I've noticed in recent versions, when you click the tray icon to launch ManicTime and you have it secured with a password, the password box does not focus when it appears, so you have to click on the box to type the password. I swear you used to be able to click the tray icon and then type your password because the password box had focus. It's a small thing, but a quirky thing...

marc commented
Why is this idea marked as completed?
Anonymous commented
Installed the latest version and still not working well. You still may try requesting the focus on the field for a couple of seconds after the window has been put in foreground... anyway, focusing on windows has stopped working well since Windows Vista on almost all applications.
By the way, ManicTime V2 worked correctly even on Windows 8.
Umberto. -
Sadly, this never worked perfectly. When you click on the icon, the event goes to ManicTime.exe. But the UI part is ManicTimeClient.exe, so another process. And bringing a random process in focus doesn't sit well with Windows. Which is ok, since you don't want apps stealing your focus. We try a few tricks, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
I will take a look one more time, but I doubt we will find a better way.