Enhancing Tracking schedule: Capture activity if user is active even though outside scheduled timeframe.
Enhancing Tracking schedule: Capture activity if user is active even though outside scheduled timeframe.
This is useful because the user can then track their "normal" daily usage and be prompted when they are away but still capture their "extra" usage which is outside the normal working hours.
An example would be when a crisis occurs.
Normal I work from 9am to 5pm. I want to be prompted when there are time gaps in my day so I have set up a tracking schedule for 9am to 5pm. THIS WORKS PERFECTLY!
However, an emergency has occurred and I am now working from 7pm to 11pm correcting a problem. Manictime will not track this time since I am outside my scheduled timeframe and "Off the record".
If would be really nice if it would recognize the activity and record it. It doesn't need to prompt me to fill in time gaps (since I am out of my scheduled timeframe) but it could still capture my activity.
This would allow for tracking of the exceptions outside the normal.

Anonymous commented
In addition, sometimes I work in the evening, but sometimes I use my laptop for personal use. It would be nice to automatically not count my "personal" tag when outside of my normal office hours, so that the number doesn't throw off the number of personal minutes during the regular day.
David Matten commented
The only setting I can see for "Off the Record" is invoked manually. Where do you see a setting that ignores "non-working hours" (n order for you to tell it about a "9-5" schedule to begin with)?
As far as I see ManicTime records activity at all hours. You can change the notion of the "day" cutoff, but that only comes into play in timeline display and reporting, determining to which day you want activity attributed. It doesn't affect what activity is recorded.