Allow undo of any operation/change
Allow undo of deleting a session (away or active), tagging, etc.

Added in v4.0
Jen Lipschitz commented
I appreciate that Undo has been added, but it seems to only be available for a few seconds immediately after completing a single action. Sometimes I miss the little button! A more comprehensive Undo, with history, would be great.
Anonymous commented
Where? How? That isn't an undo. Give us a proper undo!
Ivo Roefs commented
Just made a mistake and lost precious info... An "Undo"-function is top priority for me.
Anonymous commented
The current implementation (as of v4.1) is not very useful. Every time I needed to undo something, the undo button was already gone.
I suggest that at least the last three actions should always be available for undo.
Undo is especially important for actions that modify recorded data (e.g. deleting a part of the documents, application or computer usage timeline). I can't imagine any reason why such a deletion should not be available for undo after some period of time. If I want to clear the undo actions, I can always restart the application. -
cjacnts commented
Where is this option? I don't see it in my version 4.1.5
Harald commented
Can you please make the Undo function be available until the next actual change?
There seems to be some timer that will keep it active for just a few seconds or until the next click (re-positioning in the display) - without doing any actual change.
Deborah Bates commented
I just added a tag for what I thought would be a few minutes but it turned out to be EVERYTHING I've done since midnight (it's now after 2:00 p.m.). How can I undo this tag without deleting my entire timeline???????????
Philip Tarpley commented
I'm honestly surprised this isn't the #1 in the list...I guess once all those Linux/Mac users get their hands on the program it will be :)
debwork commented
I was looking for undo... no can do undo?
J. commented
Yes. Easy to make a mistake when editing tags or if checking out a new feature. Undo would be great to un-screw one's self after a Doh! moment.
Debbie commented
Hi there,
Is there any way to undo a tag you have applied? -
OccultMonk commented
Undo would be great. Sometimes a whole timeline can get overwritten!
Murray Roke commented
Yes, this is a much needed feature!
dp commented
Seriously lacking the ability to correct a mistake, go back or undo.