Pomodoro settings
Pomodoro settings please (customizable):
- default work time
- default break time
- sound notification when the break is over

Pomodorro will remember the vales last used. Sound was added in v4.5
jose commented
Really useful one, now i have to use native Windows timer...
trobu commented
Would be very nice to have, like the computer usage timeline, a "on/off" timeline for the pomodoros (time in pomodoros vs out of pomodoros). Would be a great way to measure productivity and interruptions.
Miguel commented
Sound when timer expires please 😁, and much better if it keeps track of how many times the break has been skipped or the number of pomodoros, as Sandy suggests.
Would it be too far to ask for a beep for every time the break has been skipped? that is, two beeps for the second time the timer expires without taking the break, like "you're stretching it too far..."
Ben Eighton commented
Default work and break time is already there - it uses the last amount of time used for previous break. But the sound notification would be very, very nice. I work by my computer for certain amount of minutes using Pomodoro timer (usually 40 minutes). Then I stand up, walk in the office, stretch my back, make some tea, talk to colleagues - whatever to rest my eyes from the monitor. Now I must check the monitor if 10 minutes of break are already passed. The possibility to have a sound notification on computer would be very nice. Please note: I use headphones plugged into my the audio card, so the possibility of sound notification through a motherboard beeper would be very, very nice.
Sandy K commented
Solid recommendations to be able to customize pomodoro. Additional recommendation is to track number of pomodoros in current task.
Bernhard Albert commented
More settings:
I would prefer it, if pomodoro would not show always first the tag I used, when I started pomodoro for the very first time.
It is ok, but not necessary when pomodoro shows the tags I used before a break after the break.
But it never should show a tag I used a month before, when I change form timer to pomodoro.