Off the record back on after set time
I often forget to turn recording back on. This feature would make it come back on after a selectable number of minutes. Kind of like Rescuetime comes back on after 15 minutes

David Sopko commented
This has been such a major problem for me that I now have a separate windows login that I use when I want to go off the record. Snooze for x amount of time would be the ideal solution for me similar to what RescueTime does. Fortunately, I run both programs simultaneously and I have been able to capture time spent with RescueTime that would have otherwise been almost unrecoverable.
N Warren commented
+1,000,000 - this is my BIGGEST gripe. Onedrive does it beautifully with some default options to "snooze" (2 hours, 4 hours 24 hours in the case of OneDrive)
Would be nice for ManicTime to allow us to customise these as people will want different snooze periods...
Rick commented
I often find myself using the "Off the Record" capability but forgetting to go back "On the Record". I subsequently lose tracking data until I realize I'm still in "Off the record" mode. Please add sub-options to "Go Off the Record" to automatically resume tracking after a certain time period expires (one hour for example), or add an option to Settings to resume "On the Record" after a user-defined time period.