Fix for tracking internet 'documents' in Vivaldi browser.
Vivaldi is awesome forked project from Opera.

Федор Одинцов commented
The extension doesn't work in Vivaldi 3.0.1874.38. It writes that connected to the client but I don't see any documents. It works fine in Chrome. ManicTime native plugin for Chrome was switched off for a clean experiment.
It happens because Vivaldi has the same UserAgent string as Chrome since 2.10 version.
I solved this issue when added string
return "vivaldi";
function getProcessName() {
in unpacked extension, like it was written by Firsh in the first comment here.
Stephan Paternotte commented
I'd say that Vivaldi is a Chromium-based webbrowser.
Can we get support for "Document timeline: Vivaldi"
or more generic "Document timeline: Chromium-based webbrowsers" -
Kéven Bernard commented
Ìnstalling the chrome extension "ManicTime Url Tracker" restored url tracking with Vivaldi for me. Thanks!
Alenn G'Kar commented
In the Vivaldi app, yes? But wich extension should I use or create.
This will work ok. Process name is what we use in ManicTime to map what is coming from javascript to a process. It would be great if we could get something non constant like fork name or process id, but I don't think either is available in JS.
Firsh commented
1. Find unpacked extension in your app data folder.
2. Move it to a desired location.
3. Delete _metadata folder.
4. Edit background.js
5. Do a search and replace for "chrome" to "vivaldi" (with the double quotes).
6. In vivaldi Ctrl+Shift+E, enable developer mode.
7. Load the folder as unpacked extension and enable it.It'll track URLs from there on :) Proof: