Screenshots Text Searchable / OCR
I desperately want to be able to search the text within screenshots. This would make my life 100000x easier. As I switch between many clients I have to work my way through each screenshot working out what client that bit of time was for etc.

Alex McHugh commented
Please consider the privacy implications of this. Note the ruckus that Windows Recall (which implements a similar feature) has faced.
Maybe, if possible rather than reinvent the wheel - it could be possible to hook into Windows Recall for this functionality and let Microsoft take the heat for the privacy and security of this feature.
AntipodTX commented
I had a similar idea - to use OCR as a universal plugin for applications. 4 ex., telegram did not display the name of the interlocutor in the window title before, and all my clients are in telegram. Everything goes through auto-tags, and telegram has to be filtered every month when billing and tagged manually by screenshots. But it writes the name of the one with whom you communicate in a fixed place by fixed coordinates from the upper-left corner of the window. For each application, you can make this configurable and... well, you get the idea...
John commented
This would be THE feature that makes me pay for premium. Maybe this could be accomplished by way of a plugin? I believe there are several APIs and online tools that could be used here.
David Sopko commented
Find an OCR program that will convert the ManicTime screenshots folder into searchable text and record the entries by either the file timestamp or convert the ManicTime label into a timestamp. You could even cross-query this database with the ManicTime database. I agree, having this built into ManicTime would be a wonderful feature.
marc commented
Maybe you find a "JPG to Text" or "PNG to Text" (batch) application that is able to convert a complete folder to text files. By that you could search through the Windows Explorer.