Custom Keyboard Shortcuts for Assigning Tags
The new 0-9 (or Ctrl-0 through Ctrl-9) tag shortcuts are great, but being able to arbitrarily assign any key as a tag shortcut would be even better: 'L' for Lunch, 'P' for Project 1, 'S' for Daily Stand-up Meeting.
Tag shortcuts are already the most efficient way to tag time. With easier to remember custom mnemonics, this powerful feature would also become one of the most accessible.

Dan Allen commented
A similar option would be to hit F4 to repeat last tag used. Same shortcut as in MS Office for applying last format or typing.
Nicholas Piegdon commented
It's been six years...
I did just figure out I could use an AutoHotkey script (with an "#IfWinActive" directive so it's only active on the main ManicTime window) to map 0 through 9 to arbitrary characters. That's already a thousand times better. But I immediately wish I had more than ten tag shortcuts!
More shortcuts please! With this workaround I don't even mind if they're still hard-coded. Maybe break the 0 and Ctrl-0 mappings into two separate shortcuts, etc.? Then we'd at least have access to twenty instead of ten.
(That is a minimal effort solution where you wouldn't have to worry/test against collisions with the other UI shortcuts. It's got a nice, clean, non-destructive upgrade path from older versions, too. You could just duplicate all the existing tag shortcuts: one set for numbers and another set for Ctrl+number.)
David C. Sorge commented
Even if this were a Ctrl+T, then an arbitrary key, bound to a tag, this would make tagging much more pleasant an efficient!