Pomodoro technique
It would be great if ManicTime implemented a way of working easily with the Pomodoro Technique[1]. It could be a very simple implementation:
- A pomodoro checkbox in the stopwatch
- A way of setting intervals aka "pomodoros" (e.g., the classic 25 minutes work + 5 minutes break)
- A way of setting how many intervals before prompting for a longer break
- When an a break or interval is reached, the tags dialog pops up asking you to tag your time (e.g., whether you've just been working, or breaking)
ManicTime already does so much of what's required for a really rich Pomodoro experience and so much more (I use it in the way described above but I do it manually using the stopwatch and tagging). The Pomodoro technique is really popular[2], especially among students. Having these features built in would be a nice addition to ManicTime.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique
[2] https://play.google.com/store/search?q=pomodoro&c=apps

Bobi commented
@ManicTime Support : What would be really nice is to hear a tick every X seconds (on the speakers etc.), and when minimized to see the pomodoro clock somewhere on the desktop.
Charles Roper commented
Thank you, ManicTime is now nigh on perfect! :-)
Added in v3.4, beta is on the download page.
http://www.manictime.com/Releases/Version_v3_4 -
J commented
Timer ticking sound would be great, too! I currently have to use a separate app for that sound and timing Pomodoros and breaks (The old (offline version) of Focus Booster) in conjunction with ManicTime's Stopwatch functionality.
Baci commented
Click on text "Stopwatch" and change it to adjustable Timer.