Option in JIRA 'Save Work' dialog to consolidate entries before sending
I have just started using the JIRA plugin, and it's very impressive! One thing I think would be a great enhancement would be if there were some consolidation options in the 'Save Work' dialog box.
At a minimum, it would be great if multiple timelogs on the same date with the same "notes" could be combined into one before being sent to JIRA.
Another option which would be great would be if all timelogs on the same date for the same issue could be combined into a single entry - with all the notes concatenated together.

I think all of this was done, I can re-open the issue if i’m wrong.
Heather Floyd commented
Ps. I have noticed that if additional time is logged for a single day, even if the Note was one which was used previously for the same day, the "Save Work" function will cause a new (duplicate) time log to be added to JIRA, rather than updating the existing one.
I suppose it is because the two logs have different Notes fields (due to the non-distinct concatenation)
Heather Floyd commented
Thanks for implementing this feature in the JIRA add-in! :-)
One thing I noticed is that the concatenated "notes" are a little strange looking since they are showing duplicated notes (see: http://imgur.com/ln87KCu)
I know it's a little fancier, but it would be nice if the notes could be de-duped before concatenation...
var List<string> allNotes = {all worklogs for tag - notes};
var distinctNotes = allNotes.Distinct();
foreach (var note in distinctNotes)
concatenatedNotes += ", " + note;
}Thanks again!
Heather Floyd commented
Sure, I think that covers all the options I had thought of at this time. I left the notes as a separate option in case you had other grouping ideas... ;-)
But this would be great.
Regarding the current default... when I did my initial tests, it appeared that I got two logs witht he same note... but perhaps there was an errant space or something which caused them to actually be different...? Anyway, I appreciate the clarification of the current functionality.
First I will explain how it works now (or at least how it should work). Currently it works like your first consolidation option. It should combine tags and notes, then send it to Jira. So one worklog entry per tag/note combination. And rounding should also happen on combined value.
Thanks for the excellent suggestion. I would maybe change your UI to only have a dropdown with three choices:
Create Jira worklog for each:
- Day/Tag/Note (Default, how it works now)
- Day/Tag with combined notes
- Day/Tag only (without notes)I think that covers all options you described.
Heather Floyd commented
I've thought about the implementation for this a little bit more. Here is a mocked-up UI update suggestion: http://i.imgur.com/ixGlPu1.png?1
The options in the drop-down could include:
- None (default)
- By Day/Notes
- By Day/Issue TagThe help icon could show an explanation like this:
None: Each activity will be logged individually to the Jira issue.By Day/Notes: All activities tagged with the same issue and with the same 'Notes' data will be consolidated into a single Jira timelog per day.
By Day/Issue Tag: All activities tagged with the same issue will be consolidated into a single Jira timelog per day. All 'Notes' data will be concatenated together for the consolidated timelog (unless the "Exclude Notes from Jira" option is selected, in which case the notes will not be included).
Any rounding options selected will be applied to timelogs AFTER consolidation.
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Heather Floyd commented
Another possible option would be to exclude notes, so that they are kept locally, in Manic Time, but not sent to JIRA. This could be used in conjunction with the "consolidate by issue/date".
*I think consolidation is important to keep JIRA time logs cleaner, and also so that rounding happens on all the time together, rather than on each tiny timelog.