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Feature requests

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  1. replace tags

    My workflow is to search for keywords. Sometimes the keywords get tagged with the wrong tag, which I notice when doing a different search. I then need to "delete" tags, and re-tag everything in the search with a different tag. It would be great if instead of "Add tag..." I could "Add and Replace tag..."

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  2. How color is chosen: sub-tag could mix a new colour with parent tag colour

    To make it easier at a glance to see what you've been working on I would like sub-tag colours to relate to the parent tag. do do this I usually manually pick a colour in the same part of the spectrum as the parent tag, but I think it would work just as well to 50% 50% mix a new random colour with the parent colour.

    This could be the method of generating the default colour when you 'skip' a parent tag colour, then you can over-ride it as per usual.

    Perhaps the percentage should be 70-30 or something else,…

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  3. Access Advanced Search from any view

    Advanced search would be useful when reviewing a Timesheet, but the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+F only works when in Day View. While it is possible to navigate to Day View, open Advanced Search, then navigating back to Timesheet View, this is cumbersome.

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  4. Add functionnal keyboard support

    So far the app is absolutely mouse-dependant. Those little tick boxes are nearly impossible to click with a touchscreen and there doesn't seem to be a way to toggle them with the keyboard. Hence the app is unconvenient to use without a mouse such as with a laptop or tablet. I would expect to be able to switch between the Timeline, the Details and the Summary panels using TAB, and to be able to toggle individual items in the Details and Summary using SPACEBAR

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  5. Total should include timer

    Include the current task in the Timer as part of the Total in the bottom right. (And updating every minute would be fine. I don't need to see the seconds ticking off and using CPU).
    As a person keeping track of my time I would like to know if I've already worked the desired number of hours without reading the total at the bottom, and the time on the timer and doing the math myself.
    Perhaps there would be Completed: {duration} Timer: {duration} Total: {sum of Completed and Timer}

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  6. Tag shortcuts in advanced search results

    I would like to see tag shortcuts work on the results screen of Advanced Search

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  7. Support Wavebox (Chromium-based browser) for "document" timeline

    I am using a browser called Wavebox for multi-session, tabbed based browsing and it is Chromium-based. It is only tracked as an application with page titles but it is as useful as "document" (website tracking).

    As a hotfix I wrote a user-script to add the page URL to the page title to help with autotags, but I am missing other features available with "document" timeline/websites.

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  8. easier access to tag editor

    Current design: the tag editor is hidden away as the only item of an unnamed drop down menu at the left side edge of the tags timeline, which also means it takes two clicks to get to it. This also leads to a slightly confusing unused vertical area across all tag lines.

    Proposed solution: add a tag editor button to the Tags group in the Day ribbon.

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  9. GotoConnect (Jive) Timeline / Plugin

    GotoConnect (Jive) is a cloud PBX system. It would be great to see which contact/phone number was connected to. Similar to what the old Skype connector did.

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  10. Screenshots in advanced search

    On the advanced search screen, I'd like to be able to see the screenshots of the search results.

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  11. Add Plugin for Redmine

    Could be interesting to have a plugin for Redmine. Lot of companies are using Redmine as task management tool, including time tracking.

    Import assigned tasks as tags from Redmine and export time tracking as spent time to Redmine could be very useful.

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  12. Clickable URL hyperlinks in Notes

    Allow putting hyperlinks to Notes.
    Make existing links in Notes clickable.

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  13. untagged

    I love the new "Untagged Time" tab. I think one small improvement could make it more useful. It is currently based on a percentage of active time, but on days when I am away from my desk or if manic time was not running, it would appear to have been fully tagged for the day when it really wasn't. Feature: could the bars be based on a percent of a set number of hours or have a horizontal line indicating the set number of hours? Additionally, could the goal be easily adjustable or set by the calendar month, as my…

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  14. Shortcut to Toggle Mini Window

    It would be very helpful to be able to toggle the mini window with a shortcut (and also possibly resize the mini window so it is slightly larger - it can get lost because it is so small).

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  15. Disable tracking for the weekend/till Monday


    I'd like to have the option to pause Manictime from tracking by right clicking on the taskbar tray icon.

    We currently have the option to pause for:
    - 15 minutes,
    - 1 hour,
    - till tomorrow
    - till manually enabled again.

    I think that "Pause till Monday" will be a nice extra option to have to disable tracking during the weekend.

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  16. advanced timeline zoom controls

    please provide quick access (shortcuts or additional buttons) to the following timeline zoom functions:
    - zoom to selected time
    - zoom to selected item (applciation activity, document activity)
    - reset zoom (zoom out to show entire day)

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  17. Copy screenshots to clipboard

    To speed up to process getting a screenshot into a document, email, web or whatever, it would be awesome to not only save and open a screenshot but also copy it direct to the clipboard, from where it can go anywhere

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  18. Autotask Integration

    Since you have ConnectWise integration -- it seems like you might also consider providing Autotask integration (

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  19. Personal Daily Summary Notes Tag

    Adding the functionality to append a tag (that is not counted towards your daily hours) for personal note taking inside the manic time app where you can write your summary of the things you have done/doing for the day while you tag your times in the company.

    These daily notes can later be aggregrated into a weekly summary which can be stored, extracted, exported to another app such as Teamwork, MS Word, Notes etc.

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  20. Chromebook Version

    ManicTime Tracker for Chromebook.

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