Feature requests
230 results found
Ask for a label when I start a program
Ask for a label when I start a program
3 votes -
Automatic clean after a planned backup
It would be nice if the screens before a certain timestamp are automatically deleted after a planned backup.
1 vote -
Edit (each) day start/end independently of activity
I work remotely. I may be doing work until 3 am, or wake up early and do work from 5am. There's no telling.
Add on to that, I may remote in and check on the next morning's meetings right before bed.
These 3 scenarios (late end, early start, random logins) combined completely mess up the statistics pages.
Shifting the day start time works some of the time, but not others.
What's worse, deleting the activity in the timeline doesn't affect the day starts/ends.
Right now it looks like I'm working 16 and 24h days because of these issues.
I would…
3 votes -
Adding a "tentative" attribute to tags that are entered in advance
It would be nice to be able to use ManicTime to plan my day as well. As it is now, I use a separate tool for planning what I'm going to do, and then transfer over all the tasks into ManicTime to track them. You can currently add tags for future work, but these estimates may end up being incorrect. And when you go back to manic time, there is no way to tell which tags you entered after working on them and which tags were entered before starting them. Allowing users to enter tags for future work, and not…
3 votes -
Outlook Subject Line Tracking
I would like to be able to track the outlook emails per the subject line content. Example if I sent or reading an outlook email that the subject line contained "Ninebark" (project name) then I could create a autotag for it. The time spent reading or writing the email.
1 vote -
ManicTime Version 2023.1.1.0 should start
When I try to start the program, it should not give me this error.
System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types.
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'. The system cannot find the file specified.
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'. The system cannot find the file specified. (LoaderExceptions: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'; System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'. The system cannot find the…3 votes -
Google Maps Location History or KML Import
KML with specified location data is generated via a standard URL. This url downloads the past 24 hours by default but can be fed additional info to get more https://www.google.com/maps/timeline/kml
More info: https://github.com/JanLauGe/Maps-Location-History
I could see it importing directly but even if there was just a way to import a KML that would probably be helpful.
1 vote -
Include Fields Start Time and End Time in Timesheet Group By options
2 votes -
access office 365 calendar within an organisation
The current Office 365 plug in cannot access a calendar which is shared with other people within an organisation. MS have removed the ability to output this as a .ics file
If it is not possible to have the plugin talk directly to such a set-up, having a built-in mini browser to allow you to log in to your Office 365 Account, view the calendar and export the text into the rest of ManicTime might be a workaround. This would also increase the functionality for other MS Office apps such as Teams etc. It would also increase functionality for other…
37 votes -
1 vote
Autotag time duration can be calculated from data (and appended to Notes)
Dynamic autotags are great. I use them to append into my Notes information about actual filenames, so I can more easily generate timesheets which I then review and revise to explain to clients what I was doing during the 3.3 hours (for example) that I was working on their matter. It would be helpful if the filename in the Notes could also have a duration added afterwards (perhaps in brackets), so that I can easily assess what I spent more time on as compared to other files.
I know this won't be completely accurate, and I'm not looking to completely…
4 votes -
Is a Thunderbird email plugin possible? Keith
Display a timeline for emails being read or written.
3 votes -
Add 'Service' field to QuickBooks Online plugin settings
QuickBooks Online time entries have a field for "Service" (aka item number/SKU.) The Manictime Plugin does not send this field to QBO, so QBO defaults it to "Sales". It would be helpful if we can specify the service name to use. For example, mine is called "Hourly Service". Currently when I upload time entries from ManicTime, I have to change the Service from default "Sales" to "Hourly Service" so that it can link to my pricing rules.
3 votes -
Copy one entry from advanced search result to allow pasting in tags timeline
I do a lot of manual tagging, and sometimes I can't quite remember what tag I used last time I did something half a year ago. I then use Advanced Search to find the previously used entry in the Tags timeline.
I would like to be able to right-click a single entry from the results list and press Copy, or select it and press Ctrl+C on the keyboard. I could then switch back to the main window, select a period of time and use the existing Paste operation.
I know that the activity Details list in the Day view has…
3 votes -
Zoom meeting / zoom phone plugin
Would love to have a plugin which gives the ability to see meetings and phone calls from zoom in the timeline - looks like they have api's for both:
https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/guides/zoom-phone/integrate-with-zoom-phone/1 vote -
Issues from Gitlab plugin
Just like the Issues from Github plugin but then for Gitlab
1 vote -
Shortcut for assigning last chosen tag
I often repeatedly tag the same project for separate working times on the same day. (In review of past working week.) it would be great to have a shortcut to tag the selected time using the last chosen tag. This is similar to MS Office using F4 to repeat last formatting.
4 votes -
Requesting syncing the Billable flag with WorkflowMax
I am loving the new WorkflowMax integration, but items synced without the billable flag in MT still get marked as Billable in WFM.
3 votes -
Add official releases to Chocolatey
I want to pitch ManicTime to my company but we use Choco to install and update all our software. Currently some 3rd parties have added ManicTime install/uninstall scripts to chocolatey.org but they have to be updated every update and they are all out of date.
The it's just a simple PS install script that doesn't really change (unless you change your install requirements) the only part that needs maintaining by you (once created) would be updating the install HASH each update. That could easily be automated into your release pipeline!
1 vote -
Show partition lines in Tag bar when using same tags with different notes
In the Tag bar I would like to see a vertical partition line when I use the same tag but with different notes. When I use the same tag after the previous one, it shows as one tag. Because both tags have the same colour.
1 vote
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