Feature requests
230 results found
Ability to Zoom Out GUI in ManicTime
I’d like to request a feature for ManicTime that would allow users to zoom out or scale down the graphical user interface (GUI). Currently, the buttons (e.g., "Accept" and "Decline") and other elements appear very large on my screen, making it difficult to navigate and visualize everything properly within the windows.
A zoom-out or scaling option would greatly improve usability for those of us experiencing this issue, especially on high-DPI displays or when using certain resolutions.
Thank you for considering this feature! It would make a big difference in accessibility and user experience.
Best regards
1 vote -
old gui
Please Bring back the old GUI
The new GUI since 2024.2.2.2 is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!Please just look on how come leading brands like EXCEL has maintained its top positions. hint..... NOT BY IMPOSING KIDS AND GRANDMA FRIENDLY GUI ON ALL USERS
top position7 votes -
Ignore private browsing on Linux (Firefox)
The Linux client always seems to track Firefox windows in private browsing mode. It should ignore them by default.
3 votes -
Make timesheet entries with zero hours faded so that entries with hours stand out more
Recent UI changes have made it hard to distinguish between zero hour and non-zero hour timesheet entries. The zero hour entries used to be a lot more faded and easier to parse when glancing at the timesheet.
3 votes -
1 vote
After the update this week, all fonts are a lot bigger with less overview on screen. Is there a way to scale the fonts?
After the update this week, all fonts are a lot bigger with less overview on screen. Is there a way to scale the fonts?
7 votes -
Ability to move a tag period (begin and end) by dragging while holder ctrl-alt
Or even multiple periods simultaneous
1 vote -
Windows binary for arm64 architecture
With those fancy new Snapdragon X laptops having great battery time and great performance, it would be nice to be able to run Manic Time natively on arm64, so without x86 emulation.
Since ManicTime Desktop already supports Apple chips, it's worth a try to "just change" the build target on Windows to arm64 and see.
Looks like both .Net Framework and .Net support targeting arm64.
3 votes -
"Inactivity threshold" for starting stopwatch at the end of last tag
When using the "Start stopwatch at the end of last tag" option, a problem arises if I become inactive for an extended period, such as 30 minutes, an hour, or even longer. I want to keep this option enabled without the need to disable and re-enable it manually to adjust for inactivity.
A potential solution is an "Inactivity threshold" option, where I can specify how many minutes of inactivity are acceptable to include in the tag. For example, if the threshold is set to 5 minutes:
- If I’ve been inactive for 3 minutes, the tag would start from the…9 votes -
Compact design choice
The new design of ManicTime 2024.3 may look modern, but it wastes a lot of space with margins and padding that make the timeline and lists look crammed while lots of space is wasted with non functional elements.
It really needs a compact option where white margins and padding are reduced to a minimum like before. Especially for Laptop displays that have small size, the new design is a step backwards.29 votes -
The Untagged Time tab should have a filter to display based on applications, not just computer use
I'd like an option to make Untagged Time display based on applications instead of computer usage. I have been meticulously tagging all my application use for years but I don't tag Active/Away time, so my Untagged Time tab is completely useless in its current state. I'd love this feature!
4 votes -
disable or reposition tooltips
When mousing through a list, tooltips showing URLs and tags appear below the pointer and overlay information that I need to see. I have my screenshots docked in the lower right panel. There are instructions online that refer to a "toggle Tooltip Option" that doesn't exist (on my system) in the Settings>General tab. Could it please be added or brought back?
1 vote -
Linux Client Wayland Support / Jetbrains plugin support
I recently upgraded to Fedora 40 which has completely removed X11 support. I can't stand the GNOME desktop so I choose to use KDE Plasma. As stated in the Linux client, due to Wayland security enhancements it's not possible to read the windows which is required for Manictime tracking.
The primary tools that I need to track are Jetbrains products (PHPStorm, PyCharm, CLion, IntelliJ, etc.). I know there is a Manictime plugin for Jetbrains products, but it too doesn't seem to work on Wayland.
It would be nice if the Jetbrains plugin could communicate with the Linux Manictime client for…
3 votes -
v2024.3.0.2 Issue with Simplified Chinese font rendering
In version 2024.3.0.2, there is an issue with the Simplified Chinese font rendering, as it seems to be using Japanese glyphs.
1 vote -
Allow regex to match on more than just first line in title
Sometimes, the key information that might be useful to extract via a regex is in the description rather than in the title.
Sometimes, the key information that might be useful to extract via a regex is in the description rather than in the title.
For example in the built-in Computer usage timeline, one can access via Regex whether the computer was active or away this is available via the builtin {{title}} tag.
However that exact same information is generally available via the {{group}} tag.
If one uses say the multi-desktop feature of windows https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/multiple-desktops-in-windows-36f52e38-5b4a-557b-2ff9-e1a60c976434
To for example segment ones work…1 vote -
create folder automatically in document timeline (when the DocumentType is set to Task or something like that in tracker plugin)
i create a tracker plugin and i set the DocumentType to Task.
but ManicTime would not create a Task folder, or put the file into a custom-created Task folder, it just put the file outside any folder.3 votes -
let user combine or merge the document in Document Timeline
when file name is changed manictime tracker would treat them as different docs, which is not tracking friendly in some situation (when i still want to treat them as one file). so it would be better if we can combine or merge document maunually, by right click or something like that
3 votes -
ability to fill previous document timeline after loading new tracker plugin (by clicking a button or something like that)
for example, i wrote a plugin for Autodesk Motionbuilder, the ProcessName is 'motionbuilder', and the Application Name showed in ManicTime is 'Autodesk Motionbuilder'.
when i click a button, manictime let me select a tracker plugin and an Application. then search the recorded Application infos, apply the string split rules to and get Document info. finally fill them into previous Document timeline3 votes -
Make the icons solid rather than outlines
Put the icons back so that that on the stopwatch the Stop and Play buttons have solid symbols rather than outlines. They're too small and fuzzy for just an outline. Now I have to stop and really look. The way they were before this release I didn't even think about it. I know which to press. If you still want to have the little circles around them, that's fine. But at least make Play and Stop solid rather than just outlines.
4 votes -
A plugin to show ARC browser urls!
I've been using ManicTime for many years; it's a great software. Recently, I switched my browser to Arc and noticed that ManicTime doesn't show the URLs I visit in Arc. A plugin or a native feature for that would be amazing.
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?