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  2. Jira Tags - Merge the description of the jira tag with the auto-tag

    Allow tags that match the jira format to automatically link in the relevent Jira description of the issue for easier understanding of the feature that was worked on.

    When hovering over/viewing #PROJ-123
    it would show #PROJ-123 Implement that cool new feature

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  3. Statistics Bar Chart: Allow Ordering of Groups

    When viewing the bar chart for a Custom Statistics tab, I'd like to be able to specify a display order for the defined filter groups in the chart. In the table above, each column is sortable, but that doesn't seem to affect the display of the bars in the chart below.

    Ideally, there would be one more data point stored with each "filter" group - that of a sort order - an integer field which could be updated using the "Edit..." button, or, optionally, via drag-n-drop in the table.

    Then the chart could use the integer value to determine the…

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  4. Default to PM when entering 12

    Very small change. When entering a start or end time in the Edit popup, can it default to PM when entering 12 as this causes great pain when getting it wrong as it wipes out other tags.

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  5. Timesheet filters

    In the timesheets section, why aren't filter tags autopopulated? Like perhaps a tag cloud or something, or better a dropdown list. If I worked on a project a month ago, I don't remember what I tagged it, so I have to go back, and search not knowing exactly where to find that info. Please add a dropdown list, with a search, instead of the current implementation.

    Also, when I select "This Year" as a date range, it selects this entire year, including days and months that haven't even happened yet. Surely this isn't usefull info. Please limit it to year-to-date.

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  6. Scheduled Backups should be enabled by default

    ManicTime has a feature for scheduled backups, however these are not enabled by default. I started using manic time about a month ago... I just had my C drive crash and lost my whole database, if the backups had been enabled by default i would have been able to restore since my documents are synchronized

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  7. Configurable "Edit" Tag Entry dialog (notes, start, end)

    Configurable "Edit" Tag Entry dialog (notes, start, end)

    When editing tagged time to modify the notes or adjust start/end times...

    A) The ability to configure and pin the items appearing on the right.
    Configure: For example, add a custom option for, say, "1 hour" to modify the active field (start, end, duration) by the 1 hour. Start time is active: resets end time to 1 hour later. End time active: resets start time 1 hour earlier.

    Pin: when "Tags" text box is selected, I could "pin" various MRU tags instead of them floating down the list based on last used.

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  8. Split

    Split Function for Tag
    During the day I sometimes forget to stop a timer when an interruption comes. Rather than having to then re-adjust the time manually by dragging the task creating a new task and adding the new tag it would be nice if I could put a split in a tag which then seperates that tag into two seperate tags. From there I can just drag the second tag start time to where I got back to my original task and add the new Tag for the interruption.

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  9. Computer Usage Report

    Provide the ability to create/share a computer Usage timeline. For example; I worked for 3 hours on an issue, I would like to be able to create/share my computer usage screen shots with an associate or customer.

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  10. increase Settings, Tagging, Number of recent tags

    I want to increase the number of show top.
    Fifty is too few for me.

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  11. MP4 codec instead of jpg/png

    use MP4 codec instead of jpg/png to save space on the harddisk

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  12. Integration with Omnifocus

    Integration with Omnifocus (A very popular MAC GTD+ / projects-life organisation app)..

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  13. MiTel (aka ShoreTel) phone plugin to track call activity. Google Voice call activity would also be helpful.

    MiTel (aka ShoreTel) phone plugin to track call activity. Google Voice call activity would also be helpful.

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  14. Additional Rounding for Save Tags as Timesheet Task in FreshBooks

    In the Save Tags as Timesheet Task in FreshBooks window, there is not an option to round to 6 minutes (or 0.1 HR). Having that option to export tags to FreshBooks would mean not having to further edit in FreshBooks.

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  15. Android Work Profile (Employee Privacy enhancement)

    Setting this as ManicTime Server as there is no "ManicTime Android" listed.

    Its great that ManicTime is available on Android .. but one of the big problems is that Android is filled with limitations that prevent ManicTIme from doing more.

    I think the easiest solution that would work would be if ManicTime operated only within a selected Profile (e.g. Personal or Work) ..

    On GSuite you can use the MDM to allow company devices to have a Work Profile and a Personal Profile. Work Profile then has a series of restrictions, forced installs, etc.

    I would like to track the…

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  16. Integrate with AndCo

    We'd like to ditch Freshbooks for AndCo, but are invested in ManicTime

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  17. I want the minimum activity time to be 1 second

    I want the minimum activity time to be 1 second

    I want to analyze the number of times and time of the folder movement, the arrival time up to the target mail history, and improve and compare the data.


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  18. Notification when app launches on another device

    I'd like to know if Manictime can add notification function when one application starts on one device? It is useful for us to track my children's phone and computer usage. The notification can be email, SMS or phone call etc.

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  19. Disable tracking for the weekend/till Monday


    I'd like to have the option to pause Manictime from tracking by right clicking on the taskbar tray icon.

    We currently have the option to pause for:
    - 15 minutes,
    - 1 hour,
    - till tomorrow
    - till manually enabled again.

    I think that "Pause till Monday" will be a nice extra option to have to disable tracking during the weekend.

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  20. Total should include timer

    Include the current task in the Timer as part of the Total in the bottom right. (And updating every minute would be fine. I don't need to see the seconds ticking off and using CPU).
    As a person keeping track of my time I would like to know if I've already worked the desired number of hours without reading the total at the bottom, and the time on the timer and doing the math myself.
    Perhaps there would be Completed: {duration} Timer: {duration} Total: {sum of Completed and Timer}

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