Ability to add autotag timeline to statistics
There is need to add autotag timeline to statistics, because most of activity is recorded automatically (at least in my case).

NB4L1 commented
Even if it's calculated on-the-fly it can still be cached. As long as you don't manually delete old entries, or modify a rule the cached data can be kept untouched for older dates.
Patrick de Jonge commented
I just found out last week via e-mail that the AutoTags is not a separate table in the database. Autotags are just rules, data is calculated on the fly.
Now I understand better why implementing this big wish isn't as simple as I thought.
I already found the SHOW USAGE option in the TagEditor. Which is very usefull if you use Tags.
Last week I noticed by chance that the option for AutoTags is also in the Tag editor!
Go to Tag editor
Click Show usage
Choose the AutoTags timeline.It takes quite some time to generate, because it has to apply every rule to every record again. But at least I now can find the records when I worked on a project without having to tag everything every day. And I can export the results so I can save them.
I asked ManicTime to promote this option more in the FAQ. And also asked to make a shortcut to 'Show usage' in the menu bar.
It's not ideal, but at least I can find something back from AutoTags.
Pavel S commented
Still is not implemented. It seems like developers don't care about user suggestions. I guess it's time to move on and find myself a new alternative
BomBom commented
3-rd most requested feature and still isn't implemented after 5 years. I don't believe it is something complicated to do, as it already works with manual Tags. Btw, anyone uses those?
balazs.nemeth commented
Basically I utilize two autotagged timelines.
One is to collect if I'm working or doing something personal. The other one is responsible for keeping track of the projects. It would be great to see how many hours has been auto-tagged like work, or as something that belongs to a certain projects.
Unfortunately right now despite the data being available, the Statistics tab doesn't show it, and it seems impossible to create a new view for it.
Anonymous commented
This idea was shared 5 years ago and they still haven't added this feature!!! whats the point of this forum
Wang commented
I want to see statistics of my Android, it's necessary to add autotag timeline to statistics!!!
Anonymous commented
helpdesk activity 07.58-08.12
VirtualSim commented
Why Apple has 10% market share and windows 90% ? Because Apple managers/engineers do what they want, impose their idea and sit on what customers want.
"Why can't I just copy paste a song ?
- Because you need to use iTunes!
- But it's garbage !
- No it's not !"Please guys, I know AutoTags can be used in TimeSheet and exported to Excel for vizualisation (this is what I do), but then, why do you provide Statistiques then ? Excel can also do this !
Just provide a Custom Chart where user can select Tag or AutoTags from the dropdown and that's it. It may hurts your beliefs but it is what your customer wants. And I learn at school that, business-wise, customer is always right ;-)
Jiří Kafka commented
I agree, "tags" in its current form are cumbersome to the extent I do not use them. This must be mended ASAP instead of cathering to loud MacOS crowd and effectively stiffling the development.
Ferenc Gyenezs commented
Why this isn't a thing yet? Why you do have two feature, 'Tags' and 'Autotags' with a similar name, yet they are absolutely different. I'm using only Autotags, yet there is no way to visualize it in the Statistics. The only thing i have is the TimeSheet, which is something.
Steven Vermeulen commented
Ok it's supported in timesheets but why isn't it supported in statistics though?
David Snider commented
Right now, the Statistics reports doesn't include Autotags - you have to copy autotags to regular tags in order to get them to show in Statistics. This is counterintuitive and not user-friendly: the whole purpose of autotags is to automatically tag certain activities, and not to include them in Statistics reports means those reports are inaccurate.
I have ALL my activities autotagged, and then monitor a statistics report to see how much time I've actually spend working as opposed to slacking off, surfing the web, etc. If I haven't put in enough time then I can decide to stay later. But this means I have to switch over to Day view and update the tags through out the day. Real PITA!
Please include Autotags in the statistics reports!! I'm piloting MaincTime for my company, but without this improvement I will not be able to recommend it.
This is not related to statistics, but I will mention that timesheet based on autotags does work. (select autotag timeline as a source for timesheet)
Ke Li commented
@Jon "you want an application Setting to always do that copying?"
Yes! -
David Stadem commented
Agree with @Rob. I use my AutoTag and Tag timelines for totally different purposes, and copying auto-tags to tags would mess up my timesheets. Not to mention if you have to manually copy auto-tags to tags every day, it works against the whole concept of an "auto" tag. Access to the AutoTag timeline in statistics would be a big step forward for the Statistics.
Rob commented
@Jon, If you have autotags working automatically for most activity, "copy auto-tags to tags," which requires you to do it one day at a time, is pretty inconvenient. If there were a setting to always do that, that would solve it for me, but it would prevent a possible workflow of using tags and autotags in separate ways. I would much rather have access to autotags in statistics.
Jon Freed commented
Why isn't it sufficient to use the "Copy auto-tags to tags" before going to the tab "Statistics?" Perhaps you want an application Setting to always do that copying?
David Stadem commented
Yes please! Auto tags have the potential to be very useful for me, but not unless I can look at them in Statistics.