Bind the billable attribute to tags
Make certain tags/tag combinations automatically billable.

Option to set default billable state to true was added in ManicTime v5.0
I'm not sure if this was the intention of the original user. I will close this issue as done and please submit another issue if this was not the intent.
On ManicTime Server/Cloud, tags can be forced as billable like this
Tag 1, Tag 2, :billable
Joel commented
Not the OP but marking default state as billable would not fulfill the request.
I was not aware of the syntax for server. I assume adding the ':billable' at the end works at any tag level?
When I first backed the request it was for behavior like you posted for server, but for single user - to mark certain *tags* as billable.
In this regard the solution, even for server, may not be complete as there are just some tags (lets say one called "phone call") that are billable. This tag would be usually a position 3 tag in my system but it could be position 4 and rarely but possible - position 2. How would I do that in the server syntax and how would you do it w/o a server?
Patrick de Jonge commented
Since version 5.0 there is a general setting to set billable by default. hoped this general setting would help, but unfortunately it doesn't. Because now all my non-billable tags are billable too. And afterwards I have to remove the billable marks. It takes me too much time.
It is necessary to be able to set billable default PER SEPARATE TAG. I hope this will be implemented. Thanks.
JRT commented
ability to set tags as defaulting to billable rather than defaulting to non-billable. any new tag should be billable unless otherwise opted out.
rdsignr commented
+1 This would be a big time saver for me as well.
Anonymous commented
Big +1 here too.
I tag the whole day and then have to go back and edit each tag that should be billable to make the best sense out of the data. Then I have to (manually) enter into our timekeeping system (eBility). Ugh.
It's easy to filter tags by date. It would satisfy me if I was able to filter and then update multiple tags to be billable using the existing filter window. Currently, the filter window only lets me make a new tag which is not useful in my circumstance.
J. commented
Marking a tag (or tag combo) to be billable by default would definitely be a big help since we plan to implement the QB export facilities and QB uses the billable/not billable fields for invoices.
Big +1 from me.
Murray Roke commented
You could have a scenario where you want to make all tags which come from (or match) the jira tag source to be billable. (Full disclosure: billable isn't something I use, since billability is determined in the downstream timesheet app, not in manictime)