Feature requests
141 results found
I'd like to have a Linux-Version of ManicTime
<quote from Last Years Request Page: http://bit.ly/1J2m4Ns>
As often requested in the old Forum, there are quite a few People that like to see a Linux-Version of ManicTime. Main-Focus may be Ubuntu for greatest audience.
I'm a Software-Developer and currently ManicTime is the only reason I don't switch to Linux as Develoment Enviroment. Since I know ManicTime, I can't imagine to work without it ;(
At best, you can modify the Windows-Version to run on Mono (Open Source .NET-runtime environment). This may work with very little effort.
Greatest challenge would be to read address-bar of browsers on the different gui…246 votesWe have Linux tracker (tracking apps, browser usage with our browser plugin and screenshots), Linux server and now also cloud option.
So there are two ways to use it on the Linux, either with on premise server or our cloud.We realize that this does not satisfy everybody supporting this idea, but we need suggestions for more specific ideas.
So we suggest more specific feature ideas are opened, so we can see which features are most desired and work on that. -
iphone App
App for logging time off the computer like meetings, webex, conferences, calls. All this should be as easy as using ManicTime on the desktop and also add this time to the computer app automatically.
194 votesManicTime for iOS is now available in the app store. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/manictime/id1667570559
- tracks location
- you can enter tags or use a stopwatch
Mobile apps
Apps for Android and Windows 10 Mobile
170 votesAndroid version now supports:
-Tags / Stopwatch
-Phone call tracking
-Phone usage (including application tracking)
-Location tracking (similar to now discontinued Moves app)I think that covers most of the suggestions in this thread, so I suggest new requests are opened for more specific features.
Pomodoro settings
Pomodoro settings please (customizable):
- default work time
- default break time
- sound notification when the break is over136 votesPomodorro will remember the vales last used. Sound was added in v4.5
114 votes
Added in v4.4. (currently in beta)
https://manictime.com/Releases/Version-v4-4#daily-alerts -
Enable auto-tag of Outlook emails based on text in From, To/CC/BCC, Subject, Body, Folder Name, Category
Enhance auto-tagging for Outlook emails. Allow rules that search for a string (or RegEx) in any of the following fields: From, To, CC, BCC, Subject, Body, Categories, and Folder. Also, store the item IDs for Outlook items, and then allow the user to re-run the auto-tag rules so that the rule could find and use each items current folder and categories.
107 votesfor a lot of users outlook plugin reports a connection warning constanly, so this plugin is not installed by default.
We get some information from outlook and that can be used as regex or just a normal filter in autoags,
Source of the plugin can be found here:
So if anybody wants to get some special data from outlook they can modify the source.
Bind the billable attribute to tags
Make certain tags/tag combinations automatically billable.
91 votesOption to set default billable state to true was added in ManicTime v5.0
I'm not sure if this was the intention of the original user. I will close this issue as done and please submit another issue if this was not the intent.
On ManicTime Server/Cloud, tags can be forced as billable like this
Tag 1, Tag 2, :billable
Rule editing
It is needed to be able to edit rules for autotags. Currently it is possible only by removing rules and adding them again, or adding new and leaving old.
81 votesAdded in v 4.3
Desktop Widget
The one thing that keeps me from benefiting from using manictime as thoroughly as I could is the stopwatch feature. I don't always get popups reminding me to change. I'd like something similar to Toggl desktop widget where I could easily view what I'm being tracked automatically as doing (autotagged etc), as well as the current manual "stopwatch" tag I've set.
77 votesAdded in v4.4. (currently in beta)
https://manictime.com/Releases/Version-v4-4#mini-window -
Connect other Apps with IFTTT and/or Zapier
Integration of ManicTime into IFTTT (300+ Apps!) and/or Zapier (500+ Apps!) via API would be a huge extension. No product specific plugin needed...
64 votesZapier plugin is available for testing. It can be used for exporting tags to other services.
To use it, you need to have ManicTime Server 3.8+ version installed.
You can use the plugin here
https://zapier.com/developer/public-invite/20049/ca7b704f197bc161fff45e0b056c062f/ -
Allow undo of any operation/change
Allow undo of deleting a session (away or active), tagging, etc.
51 votesAdded in v4.0
Setting for tabgs to be billabel by default
I add new tags frequently, but often forget to mark them as billable, which for me is more common (and hopefully for most of us). It would be great if there was a setting to make them billable by default, then I'd just have to remember to mark the ones that aren't.
50 votesAdded in v5.0
Tagging snapping at 5min
When you tagging it should be possible that they can snapp only at X minutes. For examples 5 Minutes or 15 Minutes.
So that no Second or non rounded Mintues can be used.45 votesThis works if you drag over the time timeline.
Under Settings, Display there is setting for snap threshold.
Custom Keyboard Shortcuts for Assigning Tags
The new 0-9 (or Ctrl-0 through Ctrl-9) tag shortcuts are great, but being able to arbitrarily assign any key as a tag shortcut would be even better: 'L' for Lunch, 'P' for Project 1, 'S' for Daily Stand-up Meeting.
Tag shortcuts are already the most efficient way to tag time. With easier to remember custom mnemonics, this powerful feature would also become one of the most accessible.
45 votes -
Import CSV to new timeline
Hey, i'd like to have a function to import a CSV file to a new timeline.
For example one could export all emails from one folder of thunderbird to a CSV file. This file would include subject, from, to, date time. After import to ManicTime each emails would be shown in an additional timeline with a configurable duration of x min.
Another example: Export the call log from your phone / PBX, with phone numbers, date, start, end time and import it to ManicTime.
Would be very helpful :-)
43 votesCSV timeline is available in ManicTime v2023.1 or later
Skype Entreprise/Skype for business Plugin
Retrieve details of Skype Entreprise/Skype for business conversations (Title and participants) will be a very good feature !
40 votes -
Timer or notification every X minutes to tag last untagged time
I'd like to receive notification every X minutes prompting me to tag. Currently I can use Tag untagged time, but I need to trigger it manually.
37 votesv3.6 beta is on the download page. Let us know what you think.
http://www.manictime.com/Releases/Version_v3_6#tag-untagged-time-notificaton -
Button to clear timeline filter
Can 'X' button in the filter text box to clear the current filter and return to showing all timeline data.
33 votesAdded in v4.6.3
Support for Chromium-based Microsoft Edge
I installed new version of Microsoft Edge (Dev Channel) that is based on Chromium and webpage URLs weren't appearing on Documents timeline.
Microsoft Edge version: (Official build) dev (64-bit)
Download link: https://www.microsoftedgeinsider.com/en-us/download33 votes -
Fix for tracking internet 'documents' in Vivaldi browser.
Vivaldi is awesome forked project from Opera.
30 votes
- Don't see your idea?